Indirect Staffing

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What Is Indirect Staffing?

Indirect staffing is a type of staffing where the employees are not directly employed by the company, but by a third-party agency or contractor. These employees are then contracted out to the company for a specific period of time or project. Indirect staffing is also known as contingent staffing or temporary staffing.

This type of staffing is often used by companies to fill short-term positions or to manage fluctuations in staffing needs. It allows companies to quickly and easily scale their workforce up or down as needed without the administrative burden of hiring and managing employees directly.

Indirect staffing can also be a cost-effective solution for companies as they do not have to pay for employee benefits or provide long-term job security. However, it is important for companies to ensure that the third-party agency or contractor is reputable and that the employees are properly trained and qualified for the job.

Why do companies use indirect staffing?

Companies use indirect staffing to fill temporary or permanent positions without the hassle of recruiting, hiring, and managing employees themselves. Indirect staffing agencies handle the administrative tasks, such as payroll and benefits, and provide a pool of qualified candidates for companies to choose from.

What are some common types of indirect staffing?

Some common types of indirect staffing include temporary staffing, temp-to-perm staffing, and contract staffing. Temporary staffing involves hiring workers for a short-term assignment, while temp-to-perm staffing allows companies to evaluate temporary workers before offering them a permanent position. Contract staffing involves hiring workers for a specific project or time period.

Indirect Staffing Dos And Donts


  • Do have a clear understanding of your company’s needs before beginning the indirect staffing process.
  • Do consider working with a reputable staffing agency or consultant to help with the process.
  • Do establish clear communication channels with the staffing agency or consultant.
  • Do have a written agreement or contract outlining the terms of the staffing arrangement.
  • Do provide proper training and support for any indirect staff members.


  • Don’t rush into the indirect staffing process without proper planning and preparation.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of cultural fit when selecting indirect staff members.
  • Don’t assume that all staffing agencies or consultants are created equal – do your research.
  • Don’t neglect to establish clear expectations for performance and deliverables for any indirect staff members.
  • Don’t forget to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the indirect staffing arrangement and make adjustments as needed.

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